Saturday, February 13, 2016

MERCILENT 2016 - 13th February

BE SHINING: Conform not to the world but to the Lord

Saturday after Ash Wednesday
Is 58: 9-14; Lk 5: 27-32

Let your light Shine, bids Jesus. This 'shining' is not to project our own selves but to show the way to the rest of the world. It is not about hogging the limelight, but leading the world by example. While the world would look at a person as a tax collector, a sinner, a trespasser, a male or a female, some one important or less important, the Lord would see every one as a son or a daughter, someone so lovable and someone belonging to the Lord!

When I begin to see everyone as God's beloved, I begin to see the point in reaching out to each and every one of them, in the way each one needs. The world's categories such as, useful or not, worthy or not, feasible or not, do not mean anything in the categories of the Lord. The more we conform to the Lord the more we get to realise the folly of the order that the world has created for itself, not addressing each one by their utility. When we refrain from this utilitarian logic...the Lord, the Lord's perspective and the Lord's will are the essential prerequisites to Shine! 

The Mercilent Attitude for today: Shine; let the Lord shine through you.

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