Friday, February 12, 2016

MERCILENT 2016 - 12th February

BE INTEGRAL: Mean what you say and do what you believe

Friday after Ash Wednesday
Is 58: 1-9; Mt 9:14-15

Prayer, Penance and Philanthropy... all three are tricky! They can be performed or they can be lived, depending on our personal disposition. What am I aiming at? A personal satisfaction at doing these? A social affirmation in being faithful to these? An appeasing of my conscience in being rigorous with these? In a special manner the Word today deal with Penance - are they means to prove my prowess? 

Isaiah blasts all egocentric motivations for penance: the sense of achieving great feats in fasting and abstinence means nothing when those practices do not lead me to true relationships and compassionate disposition towards others. What would it matter if I fast the whole day but all through the day get frustrated with everyone around me and keep yelling in anger against all? How would it be if I make sacrifices but am all the time conscious of the sacrifice I have made and serious about making it known to everyone around me? Will it really matter if I am doing great things in the name of penance this whole day, but can't spend a loving moment with persons around me who deserve or need it?

By penance, we mean to say: I wish to reduce myself and my needs, that I may encounter the Lord more in and through persons and situations around me! Do I even notice the Lord present around when I am busy telling the world I am making penances this day! Let me notice the bridegroom present with me: let me be integral in my prayer, penance and philanthropy.

The Mercilent Attitude for today: Smile at others from your heart.

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