Tuesday, February 16, 2016

MERCILENT 2016 - 17th February

BE OPEN: Listen to the Word all around you

Wednesday, First Week of Lent
Jon 3: 1-10; Lk 11:29-32 

Wickedness of the generation that Jesus refers to in the Word today, is the tendency to justify, rationalise or counteract the call to conversion. It is a common experience that we see, within ourselves or around us, the numerous reasons given for justifying a wrong doing even after we know clearly that it is wrong. It is also possible to see persons who rationalise a wrong doing in the name of circumstances, consequences and customs. There are others who make sure they sideline or eliminate those people who raise pertinent questions, disturbing questions or upsetting queries. These are various ways in which people react, when they are put in the dock sometime or the other. 

The challenge today is offered by the people of Nineveh, as Jesus refers to! They paid attention to the message when it came, they listened and they acted upon it. If only we are to truly listen to all the messages we receive and genuinely act upon at least a half of them, we would never be called "wicked" by Jesus! The need is to be open: to be open to receive the Word, the call from the Lord towards conversion, from anywhere and from anyone. 

That call to integrity, to authentic christian living, to radical witness to the Gospel way of life, is all around us. We are called to witness to the gospel with our very lives - are we ready?

The Mercilent Attitude for today: Listen, the Lord is speaking, through everything and everyone around.


elsi said...

May d Lord touch d hearts of d youth n mould them wz His Love. Thank you Fr. Chris!

elsi said...

May d Lord touch d hearts of d youth n mould them wz His Love. Thank you Fr. Chris!

chris said...

Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit... let us pray for the Reign of God to be made firm wherever we are! God bless!

chris said...
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