Wednesday, February 24, 2016

MERCILENT 2016 - 24th February

BE DIFFERENT: Don't conform to the world

Wednesday, Second week in Lent
Jer 18: 18-20; Mtt 20: 17-28

The world tells you to lead; be led. The world tells you to rule; submit. The world tells you to prove yourself; be yourself. The world tells you to compete; collaborate. The world tells you to be the first; be the least. The world tells you to dominate; serve. The world tells you to come up; grow up. Don't conform to the world, lest you would not belong to Christ! You have a special task: to be different so that you inspire people to be different, and thus make a difference to this world, making it a different place to live. The crux is, be different!

Your life should make people conspire against you, because you stand out in the crowd, standing for the Reign values of righteousness, peace and joy. Serve, suffer and slog for the least, the lost and the last, you would have done it for the Lord. Power, pleasure and passivity in the face of the miseries around you, will count you among the insensitive lot. To be authentically a Christ-ian, be different. Are you ready to be branded, ridiculed, trodden upon? If yes, you are a true disciple of Christ.

The Mercilent Attitude for today: Be different, and make a difference.

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