Thursday, March 10, 2016

MERCILENT 2016 - 10th March

BE TESTIMONIES: endure, hold on and see the wonders

Thursday, 4th week in Lent
Exo 32: 7-14; Jn 5: 31-47

The Gospel today is very dense passage where Jesus speaks if his testimonies to himself and to God who has sent him. In the extensive discourse what he wants to highlight is that we know, we understand, we come to believe but these do not stand firm for long. A bit of a trouble, or a small delay in favours, or an untoward incident that breaks our plans, or an unexpected turn of events that gets us into crisis, takes us away from God. We see people going away from God, denying God, or creating their own God when things do not go the way that they wanted. 

The call is to be testimonies to the Lord and to what the Lord wants to accomplish in and through us. The recent killings at Yemen is a great testimony, because of their endurance. A couple of decades back the same Yemen had a similar attack and these sisters were asked to  leave and they refused to do so, saying the dying and the destitutes there needed them and decided to hang on, the priests who spiritually cater to them. held on too. Today their death gives us pain but remains a great testimony! The Holy Father called them, 'the martyrs of our day'. 

How enduring are we in our commitment to the Lord? How prepared are we to hold on, in the face of struggles? How persevering are we to wait for the wonders that the Lord has in store for us!

The Mercilent Attitude for today: Believe in the Lord and check how much your thoughts and words bear testimony to the Lord!

1 comment:

elsi said...

Lord give us that everlasting endurance that we will never give up despite d pressures that we go through. Amen!