Tuesday, March 15, 2016

MERCILENT 2016 - 15th March

BE DRAWN : Lift up, look up and live on!

Tuesday, 5th week in Lent
Num 21: 4-9; Jn 8: 21-30

Falling is a daily experience in our life and that is why we need to constantly rise up and move on! It is not falling but remaining fallen, out of laziness or stubbornness, that renders a person 'lost'. However the same experience of a fall, when approached with true humility and a broken heart, can become uplifting and enthuse one to live on. The difference is, we need to be drawn by the Lord, towards the Lord! No one can come to the Father, unless the Father draws them!

How can we be drawn to our God? The Word today gives us the formula: lift up, look up and live on. 

Lift up Jesus, as your Lord and saviour, as the one who alone can rescue you, as the one who has the ownership over you. Declare it from your heart and surrender.

Look up and gaze at that power drawing you to himself, realise you need the Lord and confess your dependence on the Lord. Allow yourself to be drawn into his eternal love and merciful forgiveness! 

And when you do that you will live on; you will find meaning in life beyond all the pressures around you; you will find an inner peace inspite of the turbulence that surrounds you; you will have that joy that the Lord alone can give!

The Mercilent Attitude for today: Turn to the magnificence of the Lord every now and then and surrender yourself completely.

1 comment:

elsi said...

Yes Lord when we lift your name on high n look at your wonderful face, all thoughts of sin disappea n we are filled with your grace. Amen!