Friday, April 22, 2016

WORD 2day : 22nd April, 2016

The WAY of life

Friday,  4th week in Easter
Acts 13: 26-33; Jn 14: 1-6

Troubled hearts and confused minds are not so rare to find these days. The degrees may vary but every person of the times seems to be troubled with something or the other. Why are your hearts troubled and why do you go confused, asks the Lord!

I remember once in our Scripture class the professor said "the Word has the answer for everything". And a student retorted, "why then are there confusions and misunderstandings? " The Professor without hesitating replied, "that's because we don't have the right questions!"

When things seem to be going wrong, when apparently there are issues that confuse, let's ask the right questions! Who am I? What am I upto?  Where is my ultimate destiny? What is the grand perspective within which my life is unfolding?

There is answer to all these in the Word today: our Way,  the Way, is ready with an answer for everything in our life, let not our hearts be troubled.

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