Tuesday, May 10, 2016

WORD 2day : 10th May, 2016

What would you do?

Tuesday after Ascension Sunday 
Acts 20:17-27; John 17:1-11

Right from the second year of my priesthood, I have been spending my paschs with youngsters. On the Holy Saturday, we have a meditation on death and the central theme would be: if this were your last day here on earth, would you be able to say like Jesus,  "it's accomplished"?

I remember this old zen story said of the Master to whom the disciples asked, 'Master if you were to know that this is your final moment what would you do? ' The Master without taking his eyes off his tea cup,  said,  'I would continue drinking tea'!

Both Paul and Jesus are seen bidding farewell to their loved ones in the Word today. There is a sense of satisfaction and a feeling of having accomplished the task entrusted to them!  To live my everyday life conscious of the fact that I am commissioned,  that I dont have all the time that is available,  and that I have to play my part right... that will give me a sense of vocation and a feeling of satisfaction. Think of it: what would you do to arrive at this?

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