Monday, May 16, 2016

WORD 2day: 16th May, 2016

Witness, come what may

Monday,7th week in Ordinary Time
Jam 3: 13-18; Mk 9: 14-29

Just the day after we have reflected upon the Holy Spirit and the fruits of the presence of the Holy Spirit within us, James speaks to us of these signs that we need to manifest to the world around us. Those who see us should see the Spirit present within us. We are called to be witness to the Lord, not merely through the spoken word and declared messages but through life and signs we give on a daily basis.

The qualities that militate against the Spirit present with us, the qualities of jealousy, pride, ambitiousness, deceitfulness and divisiveness should be driven away with prayer and fasting. Only then will out life bear witness to the Spirit of the Risen Lord. It is not as difficult as this, to fight external forces of opposition! The qualities, tendencies and priorities within us which are not proper to the Reign we are all dreaming of, are the primary forces that have to be fought against. I may resolve to be a witness inspite of those who align against me, but if I don't decide to fight these tendencies within me, I tragically fail to witness to the Spirit living within me. Can I really resolve to witness, come what may!

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