Sunday, June 19, 2016


12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Zech 12: 10-11, 13:1; Gal 3:26-29; Lk 9: 18-24

Who do you think you are? Who do people think you are? Who do you appear to be, for those who look at you? These are different versions of that pertinent question that JEsus wants us to ask! 

The Word today invites us to seek and find this identity through, in and with Christ; that is how we would be wholly Christians! 

Through Christ: Zechariah reminds us how the people were transformed into a people of the covenant, into people of God through David to whom the promise was given. Jesus comes in the same line to seal that covenant for eternity with his own blood. Through Christ we are made people of God - our fundamental identity.

In Christ: Going deeper, we are not just any people, we are not just a crowd of people who belong to God...but we are Children of God. We are given this power (Jn 1:12), this grace of being new creations (2 Cor 5:17) in Christ who makes us Children of God, sharing his heir-ship with us.

With Christ: The call thus is to stay on with Christ, live with Christ and strive with Christ, towards building the Reign of God here on earth. That we can do only by our total self giving as Christ himself showed us in his life and invites us to imitate. With Christ we are made Messengers of that Good News, the good news of the Reign of God initiated by the Son of God for the sake of the People of God. We are prophets, messengers, apostles of that Reign, with Christ.

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