Monday, June 6, 2016

WORD 2day: 7th June, 2016

The unspent jar and the unquenchable light

Tuesday, 10th week in Ordinary Time
1 Kgs 17: 7-16; Mt 5: 13-16

Today we read an episode so interesting and fabulous...the jar that would be never spent! That was because the widow was ready to give even the little she had, knowing well what it would cost her and her little son. She gave and she was blessed. She gave not merely from what she had, but all that she had. 

Jesus teaches us of another type of giving... giving not merely from what we have and not even giving all that we have, but giving others what we are! We are called to be light and to share that light with the world. We are called to shine, to enlighten the lives of people, to show them the path to the Lord... to be light in all ways possible. 

Our light should shine for others, not for ourselves - certainly not to showcase our own greatness and so called achievements! When it shines for others, it will never be quenched!

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