Thursday, July 28, 2016


The Pot and the Store room

Celebrating St. Alphonsa: 28th July, 2016

Jer 18: 1-6 ; Mt 13: 47-53

Being a pot in the hands of the potter gives me the hope that I will never go waste. The potter knows me and knows the world that is around. God will make certain that I am relevant and needed in God's own time and design and use me as God's store room for others!  Saints are such instances!

St Alphonsa was merely 36 when she died and half of that short life was spent in sicknesses of varied nature. But the Lord used her powerfully to bring out the best in her in keeping with the purposes the Lord had defined. She was a simple pot, weak and humble but holding the best of gifts as the store room puff the grace of God.

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