Tuesday, August 23, 2016


A man incapable of deceit - Celebrating St. Bartholomew

24th August, 2016
Rev 21: 9-14; Jn 1: 45-51

The twelve - Jesus' choice of the twelve was very conscious and reasonable. Be it any of the twelve, even regarding Judas Iscariot, Jesus had a special reason for their choice. He gives the reason for the choice of Bartholomew (said to be Nathaniel whom Philip introduced to Jesus): a man without guile or a man incapable of deceit. That is one splendid attribute of a disciple. 

We are called to be disciples of Christ too...can we merit such an appreciation from Jesus as he had for his apostles? The Red that we use to indicate the specific role the apostles play within our faith, is also a reminder to die with Christ so that we may rise with Him.

Let Bartholomew inspire us to live a life that makes us worthy be called persons without guile, people incapable of deceit. 

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