Wednesday, August 17, 2016

WORD 2day: 16th August, 2016

Pride Kills

Tuesday,  20th week in Ordinary Time
Ezek 28: 1-10; Mt 19: 23-30

When our eyes are so stuck on what we have received that it ignores or despises the giver, our downfall has sure begun.  This is history and even a story of the present.  Humility as often understood is  not an abasement of oneself but an acceptance oneself in relation to everyone around.

What we possess does not define us.  In fact it should not.  If it does we reduce ourselves to what we have.  What we once have,  another moment we may not.  But what we are would remain for the most same despite changing situations and varied developments.
To know truly who we are and to accept it with serenity is what humility is. Let's beware,  Pride Kills!

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