Monday, October 10, 2016

WORD 2day: 10th October, 2016

Generation of freedom or slavery?

Monday,  28th week in ordinary time
Gal 4: 22-24,26,27,31 -5:1; Lk 11: 29-32

There is so much of craving for freedom in today's world but freedom understood in terms of doing what one likes. One is so attached to one's own wish and desire that it amounts actually to a slavery rather than freedom. The over dependence on the need of being affirmed and being recognised,  on the need to be respected and praised,  the need for the personal desires to be fulfilled make the generation today not only weak but also enslaved.

Jesus calls us to a superior mode of living,  trusting in the beyond,  respecting the space for the other and being able to take a distance from one's own needs and opinions. That is a liberated way of living,  a corrective so necessary for the world today. 

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