Thursday, October 6, 2016

WORD 2day: 6th October, 2016

The folly of forgetfulness

Thursday,  27th week in ordinary time
Gal 3: 1-5; Lk 11: 5-13

Forgetfulness can lead to embarrassing situations, sometimes to unfortunate predicaments too. No, we are not talking about the Gospel where the man in question forgets that his friend is going to visit him or the friend who forgets to inform him about his visit,  maybe. We are talking about the Galatians who forgot so prematurely their true identity and Paul gets so angry with them.

At times when we forget our true identity,  the identity that we inherit in the Lord,  we end up so foolish, lost in our egoism, legalism and materialism. All these three will disorient us from who we really are and make us unable to approach the Lord with a childlike trust to ask,  seek and to knock.

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