Friday, January 20, 2017


The New and the Old

Celebrating St. Sebastian - 20th Jan 2017
Heb 8: 6-13; Mk 3: 13-19

The Lord goes about forming a new community, the old is no more valid; the Lord promises a new covenant, the old is done away with. We are people of the new covenant and we are reminded of it today - a covenant that is unconditional, based only on love and no other performances or requirements. How much do I love God? As much as God loves me? 

St. Sebastian's life and witness speaks of this love - Sebastian was killed with arrows tied to the stake, for his faith. Under the command of the Emperor Diocletian, the soldiers used him as a shooting target for their practice. Pierced all over with arrows, Sebastian escaped death and appeared before Diocletian 6 months later, only to more vociferously denounce the way against the Lord. This time he was ordered to be beaten to death. That did not move Sebastian - he joyfully gave his life for his faith.

The times have come where we need to stand up for our faith, for our convictions, for our beliefs... are we prepared?

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