Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Lent - a school of Christian Love

Ash Wednesday - 1st March, 2017

We begin the Lent for this year. Let us take a look around. There is hate in the air. A few days ago, there was a video going viral on the social network of two men in islamist garb breaking the statue of our blessed mother. Recently the news agencies reported the use of anti-blasphemy law in Denmark after 46 years, against a man who burnt the Holy Koran. The recent unveiling of the statue of adhiyogi a few days earlier in Coimbatore has been embroiled in religious, socio political and ecological controversies for too long, inspite of the overwhelming support from the power centers. The anti-migrant stance of some major nations has created a sort of unrest in the minds of many. In fact there is hate in the air - for more than a few reasons. The socio-political and religio-cultural turmoil that the world is witnessing today makes life so fear ridden and devoid of meaning! 

What does the Lord expect from us at this juncture, as we begin a brand new season of prayer, reflection and renewal? It is a call to return to the Lord, to return as children, to return as persons filled with love, not ego! Rend your hearts not your clothes, the Lord says - feel sad for having filled this world with lovelessness. Refill the world with love! I believe that is the task given to us this lent - to refill the world with love. That is why beginning today we will reflect from this perspective making this the season of LOVE-LENT 2017.

Lent can be a school of Christian love - a season when the love of the Lord is made more and more manifest  than a season where we concentrate on taking upon ourselves more and more pain that makes no difference. 

Let this lent teach us to love, to love until it hurts. 
Let this lent teach us to love, ready to lay down our lives for the well being of the other.
Let this lent teach us to love, without counting the cost or expecting returns.
Let this lent teach us to love, ready to suffer for the common good and stand up for truth.
Let this lent teach us to love, putting the other before our personal likes and dislikes.

Lent can be an exceptional school of Christian love - Love shall be the Master, love shall be the methodology and love shall be the subject! Let us begin this journey of learning to love so that we can skillfully carryout the task of refilling this world with love.

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