Thursday, February 2, 2017


Surrounded by Examples

2nd February, 2017: Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

Mal. 3: 1-4; Heb. 2: 14-18; Lk. 2: 22-40

Mary, Joseph, Simeon, Anna...Jesus is surrounded by such persons of holiness and self giving, and the child himself is initiated into that spirituality! 

Mary who, said that Yes of total self giving and right from that moment has been silently following the directions of the Lord.

Joseph who, accepted every injunction from the Lord and has serenely been carrying them out.

Simeon, the prophet who feels he has lived on only to see the salvation that the Lord has truly prepared.

Anna, who had decided to depend on the Lord alone and had dedicated her entire life, waiting on the Lord.

When surrounded by such people what do you think will happen of that grows into Jesus, who is  prepared to lay down even his life for the sake of doing the will of the Father, whom sent him.

What a message for us today to grow in self giving and to grow our children in self giving. Offering oneself to God and offering one's self to fulfilling God's will, is a life style handed down by parents and elders right from the earliest impressionable age! 

It requires first that we develop that quality within us and let it glow for the rest to see and follow!

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