Saturday, March 11, 2017


Love for the sake of loving

Saturday, First week in Lent - 11th March, 2017
Dt 26: 16-19; Mt 5:43-48

You ask a loving pair, 'why do you love the other', and if they manage to give you a ready reason... that is not true love! Curious? Strange? 

If you have a reason, the danger is, it is merely a liking and not truly loving. What if the specified reason disappears? For instance, one loves the other for the sake of the good looks...what if something happens by way of an accident - will the love too disappear? Or one loves the other for the reason that the person is very kind...what if there is some change in the situation and the person loses his or her calmness and gets irritated - will love disappear? Reasons are conditions, when conditions change does the so-called love too change? That is what is happening in today's society.

Does a mother need a reason to love her child? Does God look for a reason to love you? God loves us because God loves us. And just like Godself, God wants that we love each other without expecting anything in return. Loving is growing in godliness in our lives that we accept the other as God-given person to love and wish their well being, do our best for the same and make sure that they are happy. Loving for the sake of loving, no reasons should bar us from loving the other and reaching out to the other, if we wish to be authentic disciples of Christ.

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