Monday, March 27, 2017


To Love is to Forget

Monday, Fourth week in Lent - 27th March, 2017
Is 65: 17-21; Jn 4: 43-54

We go a lot by our memories; we make judgements on the basis of our past experiences; we decide someone is good or bad basing ourselves on memories! 

To love actually would mean to forget the past, specially the negative past, and live the moment to the full, open to the reality every moment of our life. People are unique each one with his or her individuality and experience. When we start judging others, we become too busy to love them. In judging we make people objects; we begin to use them to prove our point, instead of being open to what they are and what they can become. 

God is ever ready not only to forgive but even to forget. That is the spirit of true love, that forgets the other's shortcomings and starts anew everytime. The new earth and new heaven is a gift from this love that is so forgetful of the past, so unassuming in its acceptance, challenging us to the same. 

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