Thursday, April 6, 2017


Love is vulnerable, yet...

Friday, Fifth week in Lent - 7th April, 2017
Jer 20:10-13; Jn 10:31-42

Love is vulnerable, in the hands of those who receive it. Once love is extended, no conditions can be laid as to how the other should handle it. If conditions are laid, that love is not true, nor is it strong. The strength of true love is in its vulnerability. The Lord gave himself up in love, without counting the cost or expecting any returns. They did what they wished with him, just as we see in the case of Jeremiah who is taken for granted by the people to whom he was sent. But the question here is, though we know love is vulnerable, yet can we refrain from it? God loved the human beings into existence and lavished God's love upon them - they took it for granted and broke it right away!

Everytime God came forward to reveal God's love in any concrete way, human beings have always been taking advantage of its vulnerability. The height of it was killing of the God's own Son! We are sons and daughters of that love, that kept becoming stronger and stronger in the face of its vulnerability. How do we love? Precautious? Calculative? Expectant? Choosy? Is my love strong enough to be vulnerable?

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