Friday, May 12, 2017

WORD 2day:12th May, 2017

The Father, Son and the begotten

Friday, 4th week in Easter
Acts 13:26-33; Jn 14: 1-6

The promise of the Father and the faithfulness to the promise, the oneness of the Father and the Son, the Son leading us to the Father, the Way to the Father, the Truth of the oneness and the eternal Life that is assure in this - these are the themes presented today. They give us an important insight into our life of faith - it is not a life of do's and don'ts, nor a life of mere rules and regulations but a life of relationships!

The Father who has been so concerned about this relationship that was initiated in and through the covenant, the Son who felt so related to the Father and wanted to share the same sense of relatedness with us, the Spirit who never leaves us dwelling within us with an intimate relationship, the way of making these relationships true and concrete by our relationships with each other and finally, being convinced that all of us are related and we are marching together hand in hand towards our eternal home - the love of the Almighty! This is our faith. This is our daily life. 

Can we treasure our relationships...make them more and more sincere and loving...then we will have the Way, the Truth and the Life with us!

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