Friday, June 23, 2017


Burning - forever, for you, to burn you!

Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus - 23rd June, 2017
Dt 7:6-11; 1 Jn 4:7-16; Mt 11:25-30

The Lord is not merely Spirit, the Lord is fire too... a fire of fidelity, that burns bright come what may! Fidelity is God's highest quality as God is a person who is faithful without considering any conclusion! The Lord burns, burns with love, burns for you and me, burns to light our life and to burn our weaknesses: God is Fire, the fire of Fidelity! And that is what we celebrate today...

The Fire of Fidelity, burns bright to give us life and a new lease of life. It burns forever. The Lord has always loved us and will always love us. The Love of the Lord comes from time immemorial and we do not deserve it a even  a bit. God has made a covenant with us and God is utterly faithful to that covenant.

The Fire of Fidelity, burns to brighten each of our lives gratuitously. Yes, it burns for you and me. I may be unfaithful at times, undeserving mostly and mindless of the covenant I have with the Lord, but the Lord never gives up on me.

The Fire of Fidelity, burns in order to set me on fire, on a fire of selfless love. I am called and challenged by the love of God to find ways are means of burning for others. My life has to become a living sacrifice for others and thus I would begin to shine forth, spreading the grace of love to the world.

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