Saturday, June 10, 2017

WORD 2day: 10th June, 2017

Giving - not just giving - but a Spiritual Giving

Saturday, 9th week in Ordinary time
Tob 12: 1,5-15,20; Mk 12:38-44

To give is a virtue, but not all giving is a virtue! Only a Spiritual Giving can transform itself into a virtuous act. One can give with various disposition - it is that disposition that makes that giving a virtue or not. 

Giving for getting: this is business, where one is intent on the returns. One gives, little or a lot, that does not matter, but to get something. To get the profits or to get the glory or to take all the credit of having given. That giving, however good, cannot be a virtue.

Giving the given: this is gratitude, where one is thinking of paying back. One gives, because he or she has received a lot. Having received a lot, one feels obliged to give, atleast a bit of it, as a sign of having received. That giviing, seems more blessed, but not yet as pure as a virtue. Today Tobit and Tobias plan to give Raphael because they have received a lot - wealth, health and happiness. But God has other plans and reveals to them, in such a way that they understand their true blessedness is not that wealth but the Lord having been with them, through God's Angel.

Giving in the Spirit: this is virtue, where one is inspired to offer oneself totally to the Lord. One gives, but only as a sign of the decision to give himself or herself totally to the One who has given everything. This is what Jesus saw in the poor widow - this is what Raphael instructs Tobit and Tobias: Prayer, Fasting, Giving (Alms) and Good Conduct should go together says Angel Raphael to the father and the son (Tob 12:8). This is Spiritual Giving and it is the virtue that God expects from us! 

Let us begin the practice today, shall we?

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