Thursday, June 8, 2017

WORD 2day: 8th June, 2017

True love saves

Thursday, 9th week in Ordinary Time
Tob 6: 10-11, 7:1,9-14, 8:4-9; Mk 12: 28-34

Tobias, whose story we have been travelling with these days, gives us an excellent challenge - true love truly saves us! True love is that which has no trace of selfishness or no trace of expectation or no trace of judgement over the other. Does my love fall within this definition? Then it is true, if not, it is no love in the first place!

Love is the crux of being Christians - not to love is ceasing to be Christians. Because only by the love that we have for each other the world can distinguish that we are Christians (cf. Jn 13:35). At times, we are taken for granted or persecuted or trampled upon because we give an impression that we are weak, due to love. But let us be certain, we are stronger, when we act in love. We are stronger, we are closer to salvation than anyone can get. You are not far from the Kingdom of God - what a compliment that was from Jesus...

Love. Love everyone. Love with singleness of heart. Love with respect for the other. Love with a determination to give. Love with a detachment from returns. Love with all your heart and with true spirit. Love and be saved!

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