Tuesday, August 1, 2017


The Word and the World

Remembering St. Alphonsus di Liguori - 1st August, 2017
Ex0 33:7-11, 34:5-9,28; Mt 13: 36-43

Yesterday we had a founder to thank God for, and today we have another! Alphonsus di Liguori founded the order of the Redemptorists in the 18th century and even today, their work towards the preaching of the Word is unparalleled. 

Moses brought to the people the Word from the Lord, the Word that would make them walk in the right path. When we stay in the light of that Word, we bear fruits that can be gathered into the barn. When we stray away from the Word we become darnels which remain to be thrown into fire. This was in short what the Order of the Redeemer wanted to communicate to the World. The World has to fall in line with the Word and each of us has a duty to be a reminder to the world. 

At times we ourselves become scandals to the world, not living of lives in the light of the Word. Alphonsus and his order comes to remind us of that - a constant reminder to stop, think, renew and resume our journey always in the light of the Word. Let the world truly get in touch with the Word!

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