Monday, August 28, 2017


Conversion: Turning to God

Celebrating St. Augustine - 28th August, 2017
1 Thes 1:1-5,8-11; Mt 23: 13-22

Yesterday we missed the opportunity of celebrating St. Monica the saintly mother of the saint whom we celebrate today - Bishop Augustine of Hippo. Monica and Augustine give us a great example of a Christian Family and our call to sanctity as a family. Augustine reminds us of St. Ambrose the Bishop who converted Augustine, the effect of the Word and a conversion that was true in all its sense. 

India has once again ventured into the path of raking religious sentiments, pitching various groups against each other, in the name of the anti conversion bills. The latest incident of it has happened at Jharkhand on 1st August, and already two cases of violence have erupted. They call it anti-conversion bill. Are we out to convert everyone? What is after all the meaning of conversion? These are the questions we need to raise and the Word and the Feast today speak to us of it. 

Conversion comes out of prayers, tears and relationship with God from within, not out of force or compulsion from outside. Conversion is not about change of name and change of the place of worship, it is primarily all about, the change of heart, a change that takes one closer to understanding what God really wants of him or her. Conversion is not about the external practices, religious ceremonies and meaningless rituals, it is all about integral living, genuine love and humble submission to God. This is what Augustine shows by his very life, to us. This is what St Monica achieved in her son. This is what St. Ambrose, the bishop of Milan imprinted strongly in Augustine's mind. This is what the Lord wants us to know too: integral living, genuine love and humble submission to God. On these counts each of us requires this conversion constantly to turn to God always. 

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