Saturday, August 12, 2017

WORD 2day: 12th August, 2017

Grow Up! Will you?

Saturday, 18th week in Ordinary Time
Dt 6:4-13; Mt 17: 14-20

What do you have that you have not received, St. Paul would question us (1 Cor 4:7). Isn't it true, that we have received gift after gift, grace after grace from the Lord to begin with from our very life! The Lord has given us, filled us with so many gifts and graces, protected us thus far, provided for every bit of our need - what does he ask for in return? Nothing but faith!

Faith is my personal response to a God who reveals, gives, forgives and loves me so much. How ready, willing and prepared am I to give a personal response to my Lord. At times I am happy and satisfied with doing the minimum possible, as a requirement to be fulfilled - by way of attendance at some Church service, some fixed recitations and regular almost instinctive practices - but are they truly meant and do they come from the depth of my being? What I do in the name of faith, is it truly what I wish to be my response to the love that I don't deserve at all? 

As Jesus gets so irritated with the disciples today in the Gospel, so will it be if Jesus speaks to us in the heart of our hearts - when will you grow up? My Father loves you and does everything for you, keeping you as the apple of His eye. And what do you do in response? Have you truly committed yourself to an intimate relationship with my Father? 

Can we really answer those questions?

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