Thursday, September 14, 2017



The Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross - 14th September, 2017
Phil 2: 6-11; Jn 3: 13-17

Reflecting on the Exaltation of the Cross, I could not take my eyes and my mind off these two persons - one a simple salesian missionary and the other a simple jesuit pope! They have lived up to their call - to be Christians, above all. 

How many of us can look at hardships in life and start counting them as opportunities to live our life to the full? How many of us can live with difficulties and still feel, every day is a blessing, a step closer to one's salvation? How many of us can look at the unnecessary burdens that are shoved on his or her shoulders and still say, these are nothing compared to the blessing that the Lord has in store for me? That would be the count of true Christ-ians among us!

The two people we see in the picture, taken just yesterday at Vatican, Fr. Tom and the Holy Father, they stand tall today as people who have exalted the Cross in their own lives. 

Look at the Holy Father's face - the bruise from the bash that he had during his visit to Columbia. There was a beautiful report after that incident saying that the incident, though painful caused no change in his plan. All the delay that it caused was for a small first aid, with ice cubes and a band-aid. The 80 year old man was back on his feet, running through the schedule with the same smile and more warmth. That is an exaltation of the Cross.

Fr. Tom Uzhunallil, a living testimony by now for the exaltation of the Cross - reached Vatican on his release after 18 months in exile and those who were with him those initial moments reported these words: all that he said was thanks, to the Lord and the Madonna! What a way to exalt the Cross!

When we come across a painful event or experience in our personal or familial or communitarian lives, after perceiving that initial pain, how long do we take to look deep and find the hand of the Lord affirming us, the presence of the Lord accompanying us and the Words of the Lord filling our lives in its emptiness? That is the mark of being Christians - the ability and the readiness to accept the cross. The Cross and a Christian cannot be away from each other!


Tau said...

What i believe is not to use the bible to judge others the more you use it to judge others this will be your judgement at the end of your day....respect different belief and you wont and will never be fully understand unless you be with them for more than 100 days..those people never gossip or talk about you.

chris said...

I get your point Tau... well said!
but still trying, to make the connection!
Thumbs Up!