Wednesday, October 11, 2017


WORD 2day: 11th October, 2017

Wednesday, 27th week in Ordinary Time
Jon 4: 1-11; Lk 11: 1-4

A person approached me a few days back with a load of sadness on the face. Sharing all the difficulties that caused the sadness the person said, 'I am ashamed of myself. I ask the Lord so many questions when I have difficulties!" And I immediately said, "you need not! and you should not!" The person was a bit confused and what I shared then, seems perfectly fitting as a reflection on the Word today.

Can I question the Lord? Is that prayerful at all? 

What else is prayer then? 
It is not wrong to ask questions to the Lord. But it is important to wait for the answer. What is wrong is, we ask questions and move away from the Lord, abandon the Lord, quit the presence of the Lord. That is the problem most of us give in to. 

Ask whatever question you want to, because the Lord is your Father and Mother who loves you above all. But after asking the question, remain there till the Lord answers you, as the Lord answered Jonah today. The answer will come, now, later, much later, God alone knows when, but it will come. Because God answers prayers, that is, God answers the question your raise in prayer! God will surely answer...wait!

Praying can very well be asking questions, but only when you are determined to get an answer from the Lord, whatever time it takes! For God's is the kingdom, God's is the power, God's is the glory for evermore!

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