Tuesday, December 5, 2017


Integrity... hoping in the Lord alone

First Wednesday in Advent
Is 25: 6-10; Mt 15: 29-37

We are known, today, for creating always back up systems or what they popularly call, "Plan B". We always have a plan B to things - can we be so in our life of faith? That would be totally against integrity! Can I have a plan B in my trust in God. Then I am saying one thing and believing in something else. 

The first reading today speaks to us of the banquet that the Lord has prepared for us! Yes, that is the Reign of God to which we are called to belong to. Will I be part of it? Certainly, If I obey the Lord and the trust in the Lord alone. If I have alternatives to that trust, even in the worst of the moments in my life, I shall not be Integral enough to enter that banquet, that Reign. 

Like the sheep that trusts in the Shepherd and knows that the shepherd will lead it to the right pasture finally, however long it has to walk, that is the sheep that truly belongs to that Shepherd. Just imagine, if it has other plans and second thoughts about following this shepherd. What if it decides to follow another shepherd or to find its own way - there is always the risk of losing its way, getting into trouble or even endangering one's own life. That trust is what saves that sheep! Integrity is that capacity to trust in that shepherd all through those moments of uncertainty!

The people who followed Jesus and spent three days with him, all that they wanted was to be with Jesus and keep marvelling at God's wonders through this man among them. They did not even think of their food or drink - Jesus thought of it! God prepares your way! If you decide to be with the Lord, the Lord will take care of your stay! If you commit to remain faithful to the Lord, the Lord will strengthen you with God's faithfulness. Integrity is just trusting in the Lord; it is trusting, just in the Lord!

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