Wednesday, December 20, 2017


Integrity... to rejoice in the Lord

21st December, 2017
Song 2: 8-14 (or) Zeph 3:14-18; Lk 1: 39-45

To rejoice in the Lord - not all can do that! Only those who have yearned for the Lord's will, those who have been seeking the presence of the Lord and those who have allowed the Lord to work on them, in short, as we were called to yesterday, only those who have surrendered themselves to the Lord can truly rejoice in the Lord! 

Rejoicing in the Lord is not a mere external show or temporary state of life, it is an interior disposition and a permanent mind set. Those who truly rejoice in the Lord, do so even at the times of the difficulty and struggle. My mind goes out to two unforgettable people whom I have encountered in life: a young person, bedridden for years, but always with a holy smile on the face never willing to be pitied at; and another elderly person, who was paralysed one side, who never liked to be even asked 'how are you', for according to him he was fine and blessed! I would wonder from where they drew their strength? Were they faking that smile or that positive attitude? No, they were people who had surrendered their life totally into the hands of the Lord. 

When we do so, when God matters much more than anything else in life, when God's will supersedes any other priority in my life, I will sense that interior joy and that permanent mind set, that makes me rejoice in the Lord, and rejoice always! That is integrity - remaining in the Lord always and rejoicing forever! 

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