Thursday, February 15, 2018

RevivaLent 2018 - #3

Revive the Choice for true Joy

Friday after Ash Wednesday: 16th February, 2018
Is 58: 1-9a; Mt 9: 14-15

What is the purpose of fasting in lent... what do you think? Some one remarked to me, I wish to come down by atleast 10 kilos at the end of the lent! Another one said, the next forty days will help my diabetes! What is your purpose...why do you fast?

What if you fasted the whole day and because of it you get irritated and frown on every one whom you come across? What if you prayed for a long three hours and on coming out you lose your head on the first person you meet! What if you went out of your way to help someone and took more efforts to let everyone around know that you did something like that!

Fasting cannot be for feeding one's ego and a means of self-justification. 

Fasting is not to make a statement to the others that I am better and they are less committed!

Fasting is not to fill my heart with that vain glory that I am doing a great big favour to God by my abstaining from food or from some delicacies...what good does that to God?

Fasting should make us more controlled; it should make us more detached; more calm and serene! It should fill us with joy that comes from the fact that we have participated in the sufferings of the Lord, not proud of it or haughty about it! 

Fasting is a choice, a choice for joy, a choice for true joy, a joy that comes from Christ, the joy that gave the apostles the courage to go on inspite of the threats and dangers. 

Let us revive our choice for true joy!

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