Thursday, March 8, 2018

RevivaLent 2018 - #24

Revive your resolve to get nearer to the Reign

Friday, 3rd week in Lent: 9th Mar, 2018

Hos 14: 2-10; Mk 12: 28-34

The Word gives today the easiest way of getting nearer to God and God's Reign. It is through a life that is shared,  thanks to the pastoral courtesy of the Christian call. 'Return' is the call; to where?  To the believing community. The Lord awaits us there. 

Truly being nearer to the Reign would mean right relationships and mutual respect. Getting nearer to the Reign would mean,  getting closer to one another and getting more and more familiar with the One who has called me.

Being nearer to the Reign would mean not experimenting but experiencing. Unlike the Israel who went all around looking for hope and finally with no other options reached the Lord their God, we are invited to look into ourselves and look at the experiences we are through, the subtle ways in which we are led by the Almighty and recognise it all.

Being nearer to the Reign would mean not making the other one of the options but the criterion to decide my course of action; that is, to act keeping the good of the other, the well being of the other, the happiness of the other as the criterion to decide what I would do! 

Getting nearer to the Reign therefore, would mean to become more God-conscious and Other-conscious than self-conscious! Let us revive our resolve to get near to the Reign!

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