Sunday, April 22, 2018

Can there be discrimination in the Church?

Ways to belong to the Flock: Accepting Everyone

Monday, 4th week in Eastertide
23rd April, 2018: Acts 11: 1-8; Jn 10: 11-18

The Son of God decided that he will lay his life down for us, for the entire humanity, for every one whom God has created in God's own image and likeness! 

We have just celebrated the Shepherd Sunday: and this week the Word begins to speak to us of the Ways to belong to that Flock, to God's flock. And the first of it is to accept everyone, absolutely everyone, without discrimination!

Can anyone segregate some, on the basis of whatever be the reason, and speak in terms of one being excluded from God's purview, or in terms of being more acceptable or less acceptable in the eyes of God than the others...who can hinder God from loving God's own children and from showing them God's mercy? 

Any logic of seclusion, segregation, stratification...think of them in our context: churches closed in the name of caste, churches divided in the name of language, churches still working on the logic of rich and poor, haves and have nots, powerful and the ordinary...can these define the flock of the Lord?

There is nothing that can hinder us from belonging to the flock of the Lord...there is nothing that can hinder God showering God's love an care on us - only one thing can hinder us: our choices, our personal choices for or against God and belonging to God. Condemnation, Discrimination, Condescension - are all mindsets that are un-Christian. Obedience, Surrender and loving submission to God are traits of a child of God! 

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