Thursday, April 19, 2018

The Word, the Sacrament and the Community!

Friday, 3rd week in Eastertide

20th April, 2018: Acts 9: 1-20; Jn 6 : 52-59

The Voice from heaven touched him;  the man sent by heaven healed him;  the bread from heaven strengthened him. What an example of the Word,  the Sacrament and the Community of faith working together for God's Reign to be established!

This is the ideal faith experience - that we hear the Lord speaking to us in the Word, calling us to transformation. The Word comes to us everyday, provided we are ready to receive it. If we really allow the Word to touch us, we shall be transformed.

The Community is around to welcome us, love us, accept us, affirm us and be enriched by us. We cannot think of our Christian faith without the community - the Christian faith is not complete when it is just me and my God! I may have any number of reasons to say I feel better by myself - that would only be an excuse! Do you feel those in the community are no help at all - that is how Ananias thought of Saul; but we know what God made of him.

The Sacraments, specially the Sacrament of the Eucharist is the summit of our faith experience - the Lord my Saviour gives me of himself, inviting me to give of myself to my brothers and sisters. How beautiful it would be, if I live my Christian faith to the full - with the Word,the Sacrament and the Community all in place! That is the beginning of the Reign of God.

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