Sunday, May 13, 2018

The Fad of the Mothers' Day!

Mothers' Day - for whom? for what? why today?

The Second Sunday of May is by now celebrated by all online savvies and those pressurised by them as Mothers' Day! Going to see why, how many really know the facts? The facts that it was started as a campaign by one individual in 1905 and by 1908 celebrated locally and in 1914 made a national holiday... all in the United States of America. The one who was campaigning for it was Anna Jarvis and 1905 was the year that her mother passed away and the one who made it national was Woodrow Wilson! It is another curios fact that already in 1920, the same Anna Jarvis who campaigned for the Mothers' Day, called for a boycott on it, because she felt it had been commercialised (already then!).

I understand if I celebrated my mother on her birthday...that is my mother's day! I understand it if it has to be a common celebration... we celebrate our mothers on a day when we celebrate our common mother - may be Mother Mary for the Christians, a significant Mother for those who share the same social experience, a person who made a difference as a mother to a common experience that we have had... what has this second sunday got to do with your mother and mine?

It is not throwing wet blanket on the human craving for festivities, but a simple call to be conscious of what we wish to believe, what we are convinced of, what we hold important and why we do it all. Mothers' day cannot just become a fad... because the first love that teaches a person what love is, is the mother's love!

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