Saturday, May 5, 2018


6th Sunday of Easter: 6th May, 2018

Acts 10: 25-26,34-35,44-48; 1 Jn 4:7-10; Jn 15: 9-17

We are Chosen, we are chosen people of God, we are a chosen race: this is a truth that is repeatedly stressed in the Word today. We are given a sign that we are chosen and there is a reason for having been chosen and there is a fruit that is expected of us because we are chosen. Let us understand them one by one.

We are chosen: that needs two clarities. One, we did not choose, but we are chosen! So it is none of our merit that we are within the count of the chosen! If we are here, it is because we are chosen! It not only fills us with a feeling of being special, but it should also fill us with an awe of the inner nature offered unto us. The second clarity is the same as what we said finally here: being chosen is not merely a privilege, but a burden too!

The Sign of being Chosen: Spirit. The sign of being chosen is given in the third person of the Trinity - the Holy Spirit who comes to dwell in us! We become dwelling places of the Spirit, chosen dwelling places of the Spirit (1Cor 3:16 & 6:19). That means our being chosen necessitates two self understandings within us: One, that we are the people of the Spirit and secondly, we belong to God! (1st Reading)

The Reason for being Chosen: Joy. A joy that is complete, is what the Lord wants to offer us. That is the reason for which the Lord has chosen us. A joy that does not fade with time, a joy that does not depend on external conditions and fulfillment of one's desires, a joy that is eternal because the source of it is eternal, timeless: it comes from the Lord! It resides in our hearts and comes from the Spirit who is within; no external conditions can take it away! The Lord fills us with a joy that is not like what the world gives, not like the joy that our possessions give, unlike the joy that our pleasures give... this is the joy that the Lord alone can give! (Gospel Reading)

The Fruit of being Chosen: Love. That you may bear fruit, and bear it abundantly! The fruit is love, the outcome of being chosen is the love that we hold out to every person around us. To love as God loved; without counting the cost, without thinking whether the other deserves it or not; without losing any chance of forgiving and enduring. That is true love and that is the love that we are called to live. (2nd Reading)

We are Chosen... chosen by the Spirit, chosen to be joyful, chosen to love! If we do not love, we do not see the fruits of having been chosen; if we do not have the fruits, it means we do not have the joy of having been chosen; if we do not have the joy of having been chosen, it means we have not allowed the Spirit of the Lord to dwell within us! 

Let us remember! we are the people of the Spirit, we are the Chosen people of God.

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