Friday, July 27, 2018

Harvest is Cutting!

Saturday,  16th week in Ordinary time 

July 28, 2018: Jer 7:1-11; Mt 13: 24-30

Yesterday we spoke of bearing fruits and today we speak of harvest. Harvest is not merely fruit bearing; it's also cutting. It is a sign that enough time has been given to an individual to make up one's mind. Compromises and conveniences abound in today's life style and it does not disturb a casual conscience.

There is the other extreme of a conscience which pictures the Lord of the harvest as a tyrant, a heartless landlord and a stringent due collector. It makes life look like a misery,  every bit of it so precarious, as if I am pressurised, as if I am driven to frustration with all the strife of the world. That is not truly a Christian vision of life.

Christian way of life is all about taking responsibility for every choice that one makes, mindful of the experiences that have shaped one, graces that have gratuitously enriched the person, undeserved love that has been invested in the person and the great hopes that are pinned with respect on to the person. 

When we look at it this way, the Lord comes across as a loving and merciful father and a kind and compassionate mother who gives life and leads us every moment by our hand and empowers us to bear fruit. 

However, it is  our choice to bear fruit or not. We have to make that choice in time, before we  realise, the harvest would be around. And harvest is cutting; that we cannot forget or change!

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