Sunday, July 1, 2018

Is God on your priority list?

Monday, 13th week in Ordinary Time

July 2, 2018: Amos 2: 6-10, 13-16; Mt 8: 18-22

Is God on my priority list? This is the question that came to my mind when I dwelt a little on the readings today. The question does not mean, do I go for the eucharist everyday nor does it mean do I read the Bible every day nor whether I spend a fixed time in prayer everyday! It means, whether God really matters to me, whether what God wants absolutely matters to me, whether God is the first on the list of criteria that would affect my choice or decision making. 

Because there is a difference between the two things that we are referring to here: one is our practices of piety which are very important, but the other is our concrete life with God which is much more important as it takes for granted the practices of piety and goes beyond it... to the way these practices affect my everyday life. If there is a discrepancy between these two, I am far far away from the way that Jesus points out to me!

If I say, 'Yes, God is a priority in my life', then the way I live by myself, the way I relate to persons irrespective of who they are and the so-called strata of society they belong to, the way I look at the world and the reality around me, would be totally different. God may be one of the important considerations in my life, but that will never suffice. God has to be my priority - the first criterion and an absolute criterion!

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