Saturday, July 7, 2018

Rebuilding the Ruins

Saturday, 13th week in Ordinary Time

July 7, 2018: Amos 9: 11-15; Mt 9: 14-17

I have heard many a builder say, it takes double the effort to rebuild something that is already built vis-a-vis building something fresh. It is true. Rebuilding or restoring is a work of an expert. My mind forces me to share here the comment any onlookers pass when they see the Colosseum for the first time, with the way it looks. It is history that the famous stadium was destroyed in a fire and then in eventual invasions. Over a couple of centuries ago, they proposed to rebuild it, restore its ruined parts...but what they have done has ruined further the elegance and the majesty of the structure - it is so amateurish! Rebuilding or Restoring is an expert's job.

The Lord when he promises to rebuild Jerusalem, restore the Lord's people, proves Godself to be an expert. Not all can manage. It takes completely a different aptitude to build up people. It is easy to find fault, criticise and break people but to build them up, more so to rebuild them from their ruins, it takes God, and God alone to do it. 

Those who rebuild are Godly; those who rebuild have the touch of the Master's hand; those who rebuild have a quality that is so close to the quality of the Creator. Let us be renewed in the Lord to see the good in others, those traits that will build them up and build the community of faith.

Jesus is trying to rebuild, in the Gospel, rebuild the consciousness of people about God's presence with them and the beauty that it beholds. Let us beseech the Lord for the gift to build up ourselves into fitting temples of God and the grace to rebuild others in whatever way we can!

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