Saturday, August 18, 2018

Being children versus being childish

Saturday, 19th week in Ordinary time

Ezek 18: 1-10, 13, 30-32; Mt 19: 13-15

There is a difference, a vast one at that, between being children and being childish! 

Being children is being free, natural, spontaneous and simple. It is being dependent with love, being attached in affection, being truthful in relationships and being unsullied in words and deeds. 

Being childish is being frightened, artificial, calculative and complicated. It is being unduly dependent out of fear, frightfully clinging on to practices, being calculative in relationships and selfishly seeking one's own good at the cost of the other.

In the Word today, while Jesus makes a concerted call to be children, Ezekiel warns us against becoming childish! We need to grow - not from being children to being adults but from being childish to being truly children, truly children of God, children of one loving God!

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