Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Being SPIRIT-ual People!

Tuesday, 22nd week in  Ordinary Time

4th September, 2018: 1 Cor 2: 10-16; Lk 4: 31-37

Being Spiritual in its core means, getting in touch with the indwelling Spirit. 

The Spirit is the innermost being of our selves. We are formed in the image and likeness of God and the Spirit of the Lord dwells within us. The more we realise that and the more we are convinced of that, the more we would see our selves capable of bringing transformation to ourselves, to others around and to the context around. The so-called great people who make a difference in their own way, are fundamentally those who have come into grips with this innermost core of their beings - the Spirit. We see Paul speaking of it in the first reading and we see Jesus manifesting it in himself in the Gospel passage. 

The invitation is now for us to realise the core of our beings: the indwelling Spirit - getting in touch with the Spirit and getting into the grip of the Spirit, that great things may happen in and through us. We need not look to perform or prove ourselves. Things will happen and people we see it, when we are in the grip of the Spirit. Let us get into the depth of ourselves and get in touch with the indwelling Spirit. 

Rejecting God is acting against the Spirit, for the Spirit reveals to us in the heart of our hearts! Claiming to know God, is faking spirit, just like the demons which claimed to know God and the Son of God. Knowing God and surrendering ourselves is truly knowing God and it is being Spirit-ual people!

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