Saturday, September 8, 2018

Nothing greater than the Person!

Saturday, 22nd week in Ordinary Time

8th September, 2018: 1 Cor 4: 6-15; Lk 6: 1-5

God has an extremely soft corner at heart for God's children! God has been too good, compassionate and forgiving, loving and accepting, never counting the cost when it comes to loving God's children... even to the extent of sending God's only Son to die for our sakes! 

The question is, what matters to us, the prodigal children of God : our ego? our wealth? our social status? our popularity? our comfort? our image in front of others? our rules and our systems? our selfish interests? For how many of these reasons we are ready to sacrifice the persons around us - our own parents, life partners, siblings, kith and kin!

The Lord reminds us today: there is nothing more precious than persons around us. Our judgments of others, however right or wrong they are, cannot take away the value that is inherent in every child of God! A person may be found to be mistaken, he or she may make wrong decisions, they may be tempted and may fail at times - nothing of this can take away the inherent value a person is invested with. 

As we celebrate the birth of our Blessed Mother today, we are reminded of the value that we are invested with, being children of God. Mary who was just like any of us was specially chosen and greatly favoured - we are chosen too and we are blessed too. Let us resolve to never forget the true value that resides within us and within the others!

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