Tuesday, November 20, 2018

True Praises to the Lord is Total Offering

Presentation of Mary, our Blessed Mother

November 21, 2018: Revelations 4: 1-11; Luke 19: 11-28

In the first reading today, John impresses upon us how important and essential it is for us, as creatures of the Creator Almighty, to give praise to our Lord and King. Praising God - can never be done enough and it is always in want, in contrast to the boundless glory that the Lord possesses! The Word today distinguishes among three types of people who give praises to the Lord:

The first are the Psuedo Praisers: who praise the Lord with their tongues but are far away in spirit from the Lord. They are those who deceive themselves putting up a mere show of their allegiance to God, while in fact are all the while doing their own will. Wantonly, they make of themselves people unfit for the Reign.

The second are the Pointless Praisers: who think praising the Lord alone is enough to inherit the Reign. Their praising is pointless, in fact the Lord himself had declared: 'not all those who call me Lord Lord, will enter the Reign of God' (cf. Mt 7:21). Ultimately, they fall short of entering the Reign. 

The third are the Profound Praisers: who do not consider praising the Lord as a duty in itself. Their very words, actions and life gives praise to the Lord. Their witness leads, not only themselves, but even those around them to praise the Lord to the heights. They live their life to the full, and seeing their lives, people are inspired to give praises to their King and Lord. They do not praise the Lord with just words or gestures, but with their daily life! These are the People of the Reign, true and profound in their praise.

Mary, our Blessed Mother is of this third category - a person who praised the Lord in and through her life, a person who  learnt very early in life what truly godly life meant. Today, as we celebrate the memory of her presentation in the Temple, let us honour her for the total self giving into the hands of the Lord. She teaches us by example, that true praises to the Lord is total offering of oneself unto the Lord!

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