Thursday, December 27, 2018

Innocents - Massacred even today!


December 28, 2018: Feast of the Holy Innocents
1 John 1:5 -2:2; Matthew 2: 13-18

Innocents - those who are unaware of anything wrong, those who are unaware of the evil that surrounds them, those who are untouched by the sinfulness that threatens to swallow them. The feast today is a remembrance of millions of innocents who are sacrificed even today on the altars of selfishness, licentiousness, irresponsibility and insensitivity! The Church remains so strong with regard to abortions, because of the inviolable dignity that life possesses, right from its very beginning. 

The world is running swift into a dungeon of selfishness and cruelty, which does not even think of the others, leave alone wishing the good of the others. There are persons and systems which work together to exploit the innocent and the ignorant. As a people of God, we need to stand against such systems and uphold the inalienable rights of every child of God. 

When the Church comes up with a stand for life, there is a select group of people (with all possible 'isms' as their tags) who come against it making a hue and cry in the name of rights. Whose rights are they talking about? Their own. Then what about the right of the affected? Isn't that selfish? Yes, let us not deny the numerous cases of child abuse that is brought against certain sections of the Church - without doubt these are to be detested too! Nothing, absolutely nothing can go against the innocents!

People of God cannot be against life, specially the life of the innocents, because life belongs to God and God stands without doubt with the innocents! Innocents are sacrificed  today in the name of modernity, development, forward thinking, rights and what not! Can we take a stand here and now? Can we open our eyes to the innocents who are massacred even today!

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