Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The WORD in ADVENT - Living the Reign here and now #11

Dare to Soar on the Lord's wings

Second Wednesday in Advent: December 12, 2018
Isaiah 40: 25-31; Matthew 11: 28-30

Living the Reign here and now is to soar like the eagle, whatever the situation may be! Those who seek the Reign of God with all their hearts, in their weariness and helplessness will find the rejuvenating wings of the Lord uplifting their spirits. 

To feel the Reign present amidst us is to dare and not to droop! The Reign is in fact a promise of lifting the spirits of the drooping hearts, showing the way for those who grapple with life for meaning and purpose.  The Lord stands by those in a special way, assures the Word.

The Lord says,  come to me all who are heavy laden and take upon yourself my yoke and my burden. He never promised us,  come to me and have no burden or no load. No. Hence the call today is two fold:

One, to dare, to be strong to bear our burdens. Strength is seen not in moments of celebration and victory but in moments of trials and heartaches. To be strong is to feel the closeness of a support, to feel I am not alone and be sure of a shoulder to lean on. That is what the Lord promises in the Gospel today. 

The second call is to rise above, to soar: if we have to look square at the troubles around us and understand whether they are real, whether they are necessary, whether need to be attended to at all, we need to rise above them, take a distance and observe and reflect. Only God's people would do that. Because each of us knows that one has his or her own legitimate share of troubles to face. If we are truly strong in the Lord we will run and not wear out;  we will walk and still not tire, because the burdens from the Lord are light and the yoke that the Lord offers is sweet. And we shall soar like eagles, on the comforting and empowering wings of the Lord and thus we shall live the Reign here and now!

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