Friday, December 21, 2018

The WORD in ADVENT - Necessary traits to receive the Reign #1

Exult in the Lord

Saturday, December 22, 2018
1 Samuel 1: 24-28; Luke 1: 46-56

We have entered into an intensive preparation towards the great day of commemorating the Divine born human... the last three days to Christmas. The Divine became human in order that we humans realise the Divine within us. That journey has not ended yet and that is why every year commemorating this event makes so much sense, at least till we reach the desired end.

We began the journey of learning what it means to live the Reign here and now! In these last three days of preparation we shall reflect on the necessary traits that we need to develop in order that we may receive the Reign, and thus begin to live it here and now! Receiving the Lord, who was born two millennia before is symbolic of receiving the Lord's Reign today, here and now.

The very first trait is to Exult in the Lord - be it Hannah or Mary, they had enough reasons to lament (the insults they faced from the people, the problems they faced within their families etc.) and enough people to settle scores with (for Hannah, the High priest Eli; for Mary even Joseph who thought of keeping her aside in secret). But it never occurs to them. All that they think of is to exult in the Lord! 

Exulting in the Lord precludes pushing aside all the troubles and trials we might have had and looking at the great things that God keeps doing in time! It is never getting stuck to moments in life that are wearisome and opening our hearts to acknowledging the goodness of the Lord, praising him from the depth of our hearts. 

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