Sunday, December 23, 2018

The WORD in ADVENT - Necessary traits to receive the Reign #3

Live in the Lord

Monday, December 24, 2018
2 Samuel 7: 1-5,8-12,14,16; Luke 1: 67-79

We began the journey with the fact that we stand on the promises of God! Yes, the Lord is faithful to Lord's promises, but you need a special disposition to behold the fulfillment of the promises of the Lord. 

Look at our prayer experiences; at times we implore the Lord for something and we see it doesn't come immediately. But let us be very clear, the Lord answers every query: the Lord either says 'yes' and gives, or says 'no' and forbids, or says 'wait' and responds at the right time. But when it delays, we tend to lose our focus and be at our own business. We lose our sight so much that we are not prepared to behold them, when the promises of the Lord are fulfilled... there we go, still busy complaining about something else. 

We will be able to behold every response from the Lord, only when we learn to continuously live in the Lord! Christ living in me is a Promise, I living in Christ is my way of beholding that promise! The call is to learn to live in the Lord. Did not the Lord invite us, 'Abide in me, as I abide in you'? (Jn 15:4) Only when we live in the Lord can we truly behold the Reign of the Lord and hold it up before the world.

We are on the last day before Christmas. Christmas was a key moment when humanity beheld the eternal promises of the Lord, the promise to be amidst us. Today let us take some moments off our busy external preparations and sit in reflection for a while, going over our lives thus far and thanking the Lord for all the promises that have been fulfilled in our lives. That would be a beautiful preparation in itself to behold the Child of Eternal Promises tomorrow... or is it tonight already!

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